Basic Fractal stuff

Fractal Epistemology for a scientific psychology: bridging philosophy, psychology and socionics

The fact that cognition and science exist is us being able to form a fractal model of the world that is attracted to the truth. (ILE = cognition = identity dichotomy = common trait of humanity)

Fractal Methodology - connection to socionics proposition logic (idk how to call it, its my old dream to make philosophy a science using socionics and logic) and Ne-sentences (fundamental principles)

Ugly Duckling archetypical scenario
rejected by scientific community + fractal socionics is rejected by socionics community

Sylvester construction of Hadamard matrices is the recurring algorithm (1867!!!)

Self-similarity: Identity and Duality of each element in the system, ubiquitous properties

Identity - having a pattern, a semantic field
Duality - corresponding to a dichotomy (polarity), existence of a dual element

Nesting Dolls structure - model A inside TIM

– imaginary plane - fourier transform as a foundation of the consciousness

– NeTi is equivalent for Identity and Equivalence (pun intended)

– Equivalence-Distinction logic of socionics
XOR and XNOR operations on the rows/columns of Sylvester Hadamard matrix
sum mod2

– Fractal boundary of dichotomies.
Since each dichotomy has its pattern and corresponds to an Element, it has an Identity which has fractal properties. Corresponding element seems to be a paragon of this border.

– Socionics elements are numbers on the toroidal space. The semantics of an archetype depends on the scale.
4/4 = introverted rationality
4/8 = Ti, which is more detailed
4/16 = LII, which is even more detailed

(also it shows some of vertical connections in socionics, when elements of different level show strong similarity)

Strange Loop property
since u can describe everything through everything it may form loops in explanations
especially due to vertical connections

Scaling - different iterations show similar structure of different scales

– Observer and Observed are connected by attractors of the perception (Leading fn)

– structure is finite, but information is infinite, coz we can interpret it however much we like
its connected to hermeneutics, fractal properties of perception, information and science

– bifurcation and trees. relation to bifurcation idea and tree structures. 4 bifurcations before chaos?

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