Identity Fractal
The very fundamental unbiquotous principles of socionics

Identity fractal logic - if you combine random Ne-words into a sentence you get a very deep thought :D

The most general socionics principles can be described this way

Identity is a very wide concept, which covers multiple phenomena in socionics. (scalable and multivariate term)

EGO block - identity in psyche

Ne - identity in information

Id ITR - identity in relationships

questionable formulations?:

Existence - identity in dichotomies

ILE - cognition/science - identity in society

Equivalence - identity in logic

Algebraic group properties and their neutral element

they do have some traits in common, they always stand first in their system. they simultaneously mean universal, typological and individual traits of set they lie in

Ego block and nested in it Leading function - correspond to psychic reflection of the world. Inner model of the outer world and self within it.

corresponds to extraverted intuition (Ne) - perception of the outer, interpretation, meaning filling - chaotic process of modeling the reality

it has fractal properties of:

Scalability - our worldview/perspective scales for our needs

Self-reference: i know that i think that fractals are the foundations of existence

Chaos and attraction of perception to IE of leading function, to programming (projection mechanism). Subject pays attention to the information of his Leading fn with highest probability

(Chaos space of meanings????)


perception is chaotic, perception of socionics is chaotic^2

Ne - Extraverted Intuition

information about the identity, about ideas, about general properties, traits, characteristics, qualities, the main meaning

information about the content (general info)

contains information about possibilities (quantum?)

self referential information about information

any information has meaning (universality)

scalable (general) and versatile information - fractal and quantum properties?

connection to pattern?

Identity Intertype Relations

ITR between 2 subject with the same TIM

corresponds to identical mapping of the functions

having identical dichotomies

identity symmentry/transform from math?

ILE - universal TIM

cognition is main and universal quality of humanity

science is collective attractor to truth

very important place in system of philosophy and sciences - gnoseology, epistemology, methodology, psychology, hermeneutics, cybersemiotics?

Existence - universal trait

every element in sociocs corresponds to a dichotomy. the only exeption is existence dichotomy which works as identity element in the groups of dichotomies

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