SEI by Serge Shaneri

Ego block

It's the most important aspect of Subject’s personality.
This is a block of the thinking program.
Ego block is formed by the first two functions: Leading Function (its ideas contain a result of Ego block) and Communicative Function (a tool to implement Leading Function ideas).

Leading function

Leading function creates an image of the world.
It contains the major potential of a type.
Each type imagines and understands the world in accordance with the topic of this function.
More often a Subject comes up with ideas on the topic of this function.
(Topic of each function will be specified in braces)

(Si - Introverted Sensing - balance, harmony, comfort, compatibility, quality)

Creative function

A Subject is guided in the world by their creative function. Its topic is what they think and talk about.
This function executes a type's program.
It's very flexible and easily triggered. Its topic is usually discussed with delight.

(Fe - Extroverted ethics - emotions, state)

Super-ego block

Super-ego serves for socialization.
It contains weak functions which a Subject needs to develop.
SEI considers it their duty to work hard to ensure their future, however, they may be afraid to make a mistake in what they do and it's hard for them to cope with it. It causes their skepticism and deliberation. It is also expressed in a dislike of excessive entrepreneurship, which SEI is able to show either due to an unusual upbringing, or in the most critical situation. SEI considers it unacceptable to postpone life support issues for a long time.

Role function

This topic causes Subject's stress. A Subject mobilizes whenever they have to interact with the topic of Role function.

(Ni - Introverted Intuition - time, meaning, perspective, routine)

Vulnerable function

The most important topic. If a Subject is not good at this, they won't feel good at all. Each person has their own upbringing in this function. It's important if a person's behavior on this topic corresponds to the idea of what is right or wrong which they and their inner circle have.

(Te - Extroverted Logic - technology, activity, efficiency, methods)

Super-Id block

Super-Id is a child-like block according to which a person demands or expects something from the world.
This block estimates if TIM's environment is acceptable enough.
This is a block of rational egoism, anti-conscience.

Suggestive function

The most pleasant topic. А subject subconsciously expects information on the topic of Suggestive function. It's not easy for a person to pay much attention to it by themselves. It feels nice when someone helps with it.

(Ne - Extroverted Intuition - potential, idea, possibilities)

Activating function

It's the energy system of Psyche. Information on the topic of Activating function gets an emotional response in the subject's consciousness. Constant support on the topic powers up a Subject. A Subject gets de-energized if conditions on this topic are unsatisfactory.

(Ti - Introverted logic - structure, causes, space)

Id Block

Id block is an implementing mental block through which the Subject helps others, provides time, work and product of their activity to society.

Ignoring function
The most unconscious topic.
Positive information on this topic puts SEI into a creative mode, inspires them.
This function automatically switches on if others need help on its topic.

(Se - Extroverted Sensing - load, adaptation, volitional interaction)

Demonstrative function

The Subject provides their product and work results through this function.
They can perform the work by themselves if necessary or give specific methodical advice that will lead to a productive result.

(Fi - Introverted Ethics - relationships, priority, subjective distance)

SEI's dichotomies and small groups characteristics:

Introvert. Their attention is directed to internal (implicit) objects. They do not like to spread themselves and prefer quality rather than quantity. SEI also expresses it in a great attention to harmony and compatibility, which are the internal characteristics of objects.

Careless. The careless always count on the fact that everything can be different than before. It's not as if they don't rely on past experience, they're just not fixated on it.

Sensing type. For sensing types, practice-based experience is more important than conceptualization. Sensing is their main way of perception. They pay great attention to details. They are predisposed to particularization and thinking with actual examples.

A Democrat. Democrats do not form an opinion about people (or events) that's based strictly on their association with any groups. It is important for them to note the difference, to highlight uniqueness. Democrats often use comparative degrees of adjectives and adverbs in their speech.

Negativist. SEI more easily notices missing details and sees a worst case scenario. Even if SEI is an optimist who is used to positive thinking, they will pay attention to negative details to fulfill their social role program. Also it is often expressed in intonation.

Yielding. Yielding types keep in view resources that they are ready to invest in a goal when setting it. And if they can't get success achieving this goal, they can easily decide to spend resources on another one, as if they evade needless spendings. Yielding people are more willing to compromise, and they can easily ask to compromise in return.

Ethical type. Ethical types pay more attention to emotions and relationships. They have a better understanding of this (humane) area. They feel confident showing their emotions.

Merry. For Merry types emotions is a more interesting and discussed topic than relationships. And structures are more interesting than methods. This means that they estimate relationships by emotional comfort level and if a person fits this criterion, they befriend them quickly. Mentally being Merry is expressed as a discussion of the world structure or its specific parts. It is important for Merry types to discuss causes and structures, because when you know how things work, you can always decide how to act. Merry types like to come up with new words to denote objects or events. They often have internal (e.g. within a group) terms. “Business before pleasure" usually is not about them.

Emotivist. Some types first pay attention to constructive elements in communication, and others notice emotions in the first place. SEI's feeling is triggered faster than thinking, so first of all they pay attention to emotions while perceiving and sharing information. More often they try to create a positive atmosphere and cheer people up, rather than talk business.

Process type. SEI likes to analyze events in their evolution process. They know how to organize an “emotional process” (atmosphere). To achieve it they use their aesthetic view of the world.

Declaring type. SEI tends to speak without waiting for an answer, as if they're broadcasting. They prefer to simplify things rather than complicate. SEI uses affirmative intonations more than interrogative ones. Declaring types can be difficult to interrupt. Sometimes they divide sentences into small ones in order to express themselves more simply, concisely and more steadily. Their manner of speaking can be described as "said with finality".

Judicious type. Judicious types discuss the value (harmony) of potential opportunities. The rule “measure twice, cut once" works well for Judicious types. Discussion stage is more important for them than action, because they choose an opportunity during discussion.
It is also important for them to maintain comfort. Judicious types are easily relaxed.

Strategic type. For strategic types setting goals is easier than coming up with tactical (short-term) solutions. Strategist's goals and needs are more steady.

Irrational type. Their basic information flow is directed inward and that's their main feature - Sensorics. Therefore, their way of looking at things is more flexible, they are open-minded and can change the plan after receiving new information. They may go without planning, expecting the situation to change (same about carelessness).

Dynamic type. Dynamic types think the world is continuous (inextricable, extended), unlike static ones. Dynamism is also represented in a sense of consistency. For example, they will more likely tell a story consistently, in a form of sequential events.

Alpha Quadra. This is a group with childish values. The important things for them are to see potential opportunities and long shot prospects, to feel fun and comfort. They are interested in how everything works and can be organized.

Receptive-Adaptive temperament. By a person's emotion SEI can easily understand their inner condition. They are susceptible to people's states and moods.

Sincere (soulful) style of communication. They find cooperation successful if participants exchange information about relationships and priorities, form new values, and settle relationships.

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