LIE by Serge Shaneri

Ego block

It's the most important part in Subject’s personality.
This is a block of the thinking program.
Ego block is formed by the first two functions: Leading Function (its ideas contain a result of Ego block) and Creative Function (a tool to implement Program Function ideas).

The main things in LIE's life are promising activity, enterprise, and hard work in a clear direction that they determine by calculation and prediction of prospects.

Leading function

Leading function creates an image of the world.
It contains the major potential of a type.
Each type imagines and understands the world in accordance with the topic of this function.
More often a Subject comes up with ideas on the topic of this function. (Topic of each function will be specified in braces)

(Te - Extroverted Logic - technology, activity, efficiency)

LIE is set on hard work and diligence. LIE understands the world in terms of activity and efficiency. They pay a lot of attention to how people do something, how meaningful and productive their actions are. They are prone
to organizational activity, can come up with a new business idea and launch it.
The meaning of LIE archetype is entrepreneurship. This is what LIE is most predisposed to. It's important for them if each action is productive and has sense, and all the tasks are clear.

Creative function

A Subject is guided in the world by their creative function. Its topic is what they think and talk about.
This function executes a type's program.
It's very flexible and easily triggered. Its topic is usually discussed with delight.

(Ni - Introverted Intuition - time, prospects, tendencies)

LIE thinks and talks a lot about time, timings and sense. They often form a positive, productive, enterprising and inspiring idea of the future. If they want to motivate someone, they tell about prospects or meaning of the action or about timing actuality of the action. It's very important for LIE not to waste time. They evaluate meaning of time by work result. They like to guide people through time, e.g. informing them about arrival or a timing when something important starts.

Super-ego block

Super-ego serves for social adaptation.
It contains weak functions which a Subject needs to develop.

LIE may neglect emotional state and everyday issues. Nevertheless, they consider it their duty to be successful on such topic as bright and comfortable life.

Role function

This topic causes Subject's stress. A Subject mobilizes when they have to interact with the topic of Role function.

(Fe - Extroverted ethics - emotions, emotional state, desires)

It is represented in LIE's emotionality. Strong emotions of others are felt as pressure, especially if due to them LIE has to restrict their casual lifestyle, consumption level or comfort. For example, if someone emotionally forces them to try new food or to clean up.
LIE knows how to make jokes, especially in public. In a large company or at first acquaintance they behave like cheerful people.
In extreme situations they can exert powerful emotional pressure.

Vulnerable function

The most important part of Personality. If a Subject is not good in this, they won't feel good at all. Each person has their own culture on this function. It's important if a person's behavior on this topic corresponds to the idea of what is right or wrong which they and their inner circle have.

(Si - Introverted Sensing - harmony, comfort, compatibility, quality)

A stress situation for LIE is the one that triggers emotions due to lack of resources or low quality of life.
In a tense situation LIE knows how to keep themselves in tune and stay enthusiastic in order to be adapted to life. At the first acquaintance they consider it a high priority to show how emotional they are. LIE might worry about their life habits, accuracy, tidiness. New tasks related to these topics might be felt as something critical. LIE might work so much so they forget about their health.

SUPER-ID block

SUPER-ID is a child-like block according to which a person demands or expects something from the world.
This block estimates if TIM's environment is acceptable enough.
This is a block of rational egoism, anti-conscience.

LIE expects a correct attitude and participation in a common goal. When someone demonstrates their volitional qualities, it inspires and stimulates LIE, and LIE needs it. They judge people by their responsibilities and real achievements.

Suggestive function

The most pleasant topic. The subject subconsciously expects information on the topic of Suggestive function. It's not easy for a person to pay much attention to it by themselves. It feels nice when someone helps with it. Succes in this topic is highly related on Subject’s habits.

(Fi - Introverted ethics - relationships, priorities, subjective distance)

LIE considers information on the topic of relationships, morality and significance of situations very valuable. They find it useful and feel powered up with it. They are also interested in topic of prioritization and what is important for the society. Subconsciously, they may be interested in the topic of relationships and morality.
They expect people to treat them humanly, it makes them very happy. But they do not always understand people's attitude to them and what should they do to have the relationship they want.
LIE treats people according to achievements without rating person's social groups.

Activating function

It's the energy system of Psyche. Information on the topic of Activating function gets an emotional response in the subject's consciousness. Constant support on the topic powers up a Subject. A Subject gets de-energized if conditions on this topic are unsatisfactory.

(Se - Extroverted sensing - load, adaptation, interaction based on willpower)

They get enthusiastic about expression of will, stability, perseverance, authority and ideas that help to achieve influence. It may be said that they need support on such topics as priorities or how to change relationship using power, so they inspire close people to create such ideas. They have positive attitude towards specific, factual information about how things are or were.

Id Block

Id block is an implementing mental block’s ideas through which the Subject helps others, provides time, work and their product to society.

LIE subconsciously structures information in order to come up with ideas based on it or reveal potential of objects and their application.

Ignoring function

The most unconscious topic.
Positive information on this topic puts LIE into a creative mode, inspires them.
This function automatically switches on if others need help on its topic.

(Ti - Introverted logic - structure, causes, space)

Information about necessary for tasks structures inspires LIE and gets them focused, creates a sense of prospect. Nevertheless, if LIE does not want to take in information on the topic of structures and causes, it will be extremely difficult to reach them. They don't really like to talk on this topic, but they will automatically correct a person if he or she misunderstands something related to this topic. LIE uses their analytic abilities to come up with new ideas.

Demonstrative function

The Subject provides their product and work through this function.
They can perform the work by themselves if necessary or give specific methodical advice that will lead to a productive result.

(Ne - Extroverted Intuition - law, potential, idea, possibilities)

LIE has an keen mind, they are good idea generators. If others need help LIE is ready to find new opportunities, understand the situation to the core, and think over a development plan. They can speak in simple words and explain something on fingers so that people could understand them.

LIE's dichotomies and small groups characteristics:

Extrovert. Extroverts are more noisy and active, they easily waste energy and make new acquaintances. Actually, this is rather approximate description of extroversion. Specifically about LIE we can say that they read out information about actions and its productivity quite attentively.

Careless. The careless always counts on the fact that everything can be different then before. It's not that they don't rely on their past experience, they just don't get stuck on it. Their expectations are based on premises that exist in each specific situation.

Intuitive. They easily handle general ideas, prefer to generalize and think globally. They often speak vaguely (using common words even in a specific example). They are set to perceive information intuitively, so understanding for them is more important than sensing.

Democrat. Democrats do not form an opinion about people (or events) that's based strictly on their association with any groups. It is important for them to note the difference, to highlight uniqueness. Democrats often use comparative degrees of adjectives and adverbs in their speech.

Positivist. Positivists pay attention primarily to positive aspects. They also talk about something that present. It may be represented as a lack of attention to downsides of objects or situations.

Yielding. Yielding types keep in view resources that they are ready to invest in a goal when setting it. And if they can't get success achieving this goal, they can easily decide to spend resources on another one, as if they evade needless spendings. Yielding people are more willing to compromise, and they can easily ask to compromise in return.

Thinking. LIE likes to talk business. They feel more confident expressing the results of their reflections and not evaluations.

Serious. It is typical for LIE to discuss not the structures of something, but effectiveness and correctness of actions. It is important for LIE if relationships and responsibilities are determined right. They often talk on this topic.

Emotivist. Some types first pay attention to constructive element in communication, and others notice emotions in the first place. LIE's feeling is triggered faster than thinking, so first of all they pay attention to emotions when perceiving and sharing information. (even though Thinking is more confident faculty)

Result type. LIE is focused on results. Coming up with a plan they think on how it should end in the first place. Remembering past events they evaluate them according to results they got.

Declaring type. LIE can speak in broadcast mode. They like to talk more than listen. They prefer to simplify things rather than complicate. LIE uses affirmative intonations more than interrogative ones. Declaring types can be difficult to interrupt.

Decisive. For decisive type it is important not to miss a chance, discuss the time of action and decide when to act. For them the moment of action is more important than discussion of options.

Strategic. For strategic type setting goals is easier than coming up with tactical (short-term) solutions.

Rational. Main information flow is aimed outward (thinking). That means that LIE is more focused on their judgments than on what they perceive from external environment. This is reflected in a need for planning.

Dynamic. Dynamic type thinks the world is continuous (inextricably, extended), unlike static one. Dynamism is also represented in a sense of consistency. For example, LIE will rather tell a story consistently, in a form of sequential events.

Gamma Quadra. LIE belongs to a group with middle-aged values. Such as: one needs to work hard, be determined and strong-willed. Time is running out and you need to be encouraged. Relationships should be serious and strong.

Scientific Club of interests. Thinking and intuition together result in a predisposition to science, exploratory, inventive activity.

Idea Generator is an LIE's social role. Their research intuition has an extroverted character which results in a large number of ideas, and their thinking guides them in a productive way.

The motivational group is Uniqueness. To be unique is an LIE's subconscious desire, they strives for it, and it affects their motives.

Business style of communication. Interaction is aimed at productive activity or at least its discussion.

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